Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Spacial division & colour placement

The beat goes on towards simplification  

The work goes on and hopefully continues to evolve in keeping with the initial idea = Still starting from an unknown standpoint and believing that it is important that I respond to the first gesture/ colour that is applied to the surface.
 Naturally, there is an element of sub-conscious decision making taking place and I recognise this, but it is only in reflection that I understand the image and its direction. I am aware that this approach is the antithesis of theme driven works, but it forces me into a place where I have to have an open dialogue and keeps me genuinely engaged in problem solving. I am excited by the relationship between one form/ colour to another, that point where the two meet and importantly, the line in- between. I am excited by the thinness of the paint and the magic that happens when one layer is applied next to another. I am excited by watching the paint dry!

So, the next image is one that completely dictated its every move and is titled 'Homage to BN' 
Oil on ply (off cut)                                                    Homage to BN          


There was never any intent to make an image that referenced Nicholson but it became apparent that the way the space was being divided that a subliminal referencing was taking place. I understood that it was a response to his 'relief' paintings.
In contrast the next image (painted at the same time) has different sensibility and makes a nod towards Braque but I have only just realised that. 

Oil on ply (off cut)                                                           GB Notation    

I have revisited a couple of images for a number of different reasons, principally that the image is statement but only at at certain point in time and that what it may say is in need of 
new thread. With this in mind 'Papal Resignation' has become 'Fall from Grace' (pun intentional) and 'Nordine's Medley' has become a 'Nordine Mash Up'

Oil on canvas                                                                    Fall from Grace
Oil on canvas                                                                     Nordine Mash Up

The latest works continue the exploration of medical slides and sections of the epidermis, again not in a deliberately conscious way but in a serendipitous act of discovery. I am always amazed by what takes place, how the process evolves and demands engagement from the outset. 

Action and Consequences. 
Internal Voice. 
External Vision.

Oil on canvas                                                                                       1 in 6

'1 in 6' is one of seven images that are on the go. They are very much about stripping it back to basics - how the space is divided and colour relationships. It is about the interaction and physical presence - they are not about, instant gratification and they are about, the subtle nuances that reveal themselves when viewed face to face. 'Mutation' is another from the series.

Oil on canvas                                                                           Mutation

In thinking about recent developments the images are becoming more simple and present new conundrums - the first of which is to be brave enough to leave well alone!