New Works and a cake tin ...?
Open studio has come and gone, the public came, the feedback was generally positive and it's time to get on with new work.
Putting the work up and being able to see it in a clean environment is always a beneficial exercise, it allows you time to assess what you have done and what you think/ hope you have done. For me, it was important to allow others to see the work and to see whether what I have been working on makes connection. Do others get it? Do they think its crap? Have I (in the words of another old tutor) just been w*nking in the wind? (30yrs on & it stays with you)
Thankfully the majority of people were receptive to the work and its raison d'ĂȘtre. "Pain" received favourable comments which was very rewarding and"Ken's Colors" after an audible nibble made sense.
With the paint still slightly tacky "Step out, into my soul" is the title given to a small triptych by RM from Bradford, I liked the idea that the painting was given its name by its owner and not the artist, maybe there is more mileage in that possibility? Questioning the sense of ownership once it leaves the Artist's studio. Hmmm ....
With the paint still slightly tacky "Step out, into my soul" is the title given to a small triptych by RM from Bradford, I liked the idea that the painting was given its name by its owner and not the artist, maybe there is more mileage in that possibility? Questioning the sense of ownership once it leaves the Artist's studio. Hmmm ....
Finally, I felt that it was important to get the opinion of someone whose work I respect ( and to be able engage in discourse around process and context and stuff... aye, stuff, art stuff. It was a valuable afternoon, it affirmed my belief that I was on the right track. You know, when you are isolated in your garret, your world can become very much your own. ?
So, the latest work has begun and that is where the cake tin comes in. 5 canvasses were primed and ready, just sitting there on the studio floor, waiting; waiting for that driver, that key that would unlock the inertia and it was there outside the studio, the cake tin.
A Circle - Begin the begin
State 1 - division of space
1 division of space
2 division of space
3 division of space
The idea here was to start all 3 canvasses with similar divisions as a starting point and to allow them to dictate what is needed. By default they have to just be around and when I am not thinking about them, they suggest the next step.
Both of the images above are about 4 stages on and are at that tricky juncture, elements are working and others are clearly not. I need to move them on. On reflection, is it that clear?
Again, building all 3 canvasses with similar marks and colour. Canvas below x days on.
Image above has moved on but it is not quite there, wherever there is?
I now know these images are cell/ molecular related, cross sections of epidermis.
The paintings below are in their present final state but ... as before always difficult to get photograph to record subtle nuances on the surface properly.
So, the latest work has begun and that is where the cake tin comes in. 5 canvasses were primed and ready, just sitting there on the studio floor, waiting; waiting for that driver, that key that would unlock the inertia and it was there outside the studio, the cake tin.
A Circle - Begin the begin
State 1 - division of space
1 division of space
2 division of space
3 division of space
The idea here was to start all 3 canvasses with similar divisions as a starting point and to allow them to dictate what is needed. By default they have to just be around and when I am not thinking about them, they suggest the next step.
Both of the images above are about 4 stages on and are at that tricky juncture, elements are working and others are clearly not. I need to move them on. On reflection, is it that clear?
Again, building all 3 canvasses with similar marks and colour. Canvas below x days on.
Image above has moved on but it is not quite there, wherever there is?
I now know these images are cell/ molecular related, cross sections of epidermis.
The paintings below are in their present final state but ... as before always difficult to get photograph to record subtle nuances on the surface properly.
Organogenesis |
Transmutation No3 |
NRA interference |
Red Legged Scissor Man |
Prion No2
Organogenesis 61 x 92cm Transmutation No3 70 x 50 cm NRA interference 61 x 92cm
Redlegged Scissor Man 70 x 50cm Prion No2 70 x 50cm